Friday, February 24, 2012

Richard and Hamlet: thoughts on church

I though I would share a little taste of Richard II, as it was my individual reading assignment.
Richard says to his wife, anticipating his own death,
"Hie thee to France and cloister thee in some religious house." King Richard II Act 5, sc. 1
Sound like anything else we have read?
It's pretty much a more elegant way of saying,
"Get thee to a nunnery." Hamlet Act 3, sc. 1
Though the context is a little different and the emotion of the quotes are definitively different, I think that this little comparison is quite indicative of Richard II overall. The language is especially beautiful in this play. The England speech ("This sceptred isle, this other Eden, demi-paradise...") that we analyzed in class is of course a perfect testament to the play's language. Shakespeare really pulled out all the stops with this play.

Also, I have this thing for cat humor so this had to be part of my nunnery post. Enjoy!

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