Friday, January 20, 2012

A Clever Bard and A Pernicious Doctor

Calling all Dr. Who fans! I have seen just a handful of resent episodes of this TV show, but guess what? I watched one called "The Shakespeare Code", and it was super cool.
Basic synopsis: the doctor is a time traveler and he and his companion Martha visit Elizabethan England and go to the Globe Theater. Along the way they save the world like they do in every episode, but this time they get to meet the man himself.
The ending is super awesome! Here it is.
(For those of you who are not familiar: this clip starts out with Shakespeare flirting with Martha, then the doctor walks in...)

Did you like it? Interesting right? I think it raises a good question; where did Shakespeare get his inspiration? I don't think we will ever really know what made him write so amazingly, but who knows, it could have been a time traveling doctor who gave him some ideas. I guess we'll never know :)


  1. Ok, YES! I haven't even read the post yet, but just by the title and video I approve. :)

    Did you notice the name of the witches? Sycorax, right? Remind you of anything?

    1. Oh, of course! Caliban's witch mother in The Tempest! How could I miss that? Cool

    2. Don't feel too bad, I missed it too. Thank goodness for Andrew! I am a huge Who Fan!
